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Grover Kemble and Bob Marks
Every once in a while we all walk into a musical establishment only to be blown away by the entertainment. Sometimes it's a surprise, and often it may be someone we know. There are versatile musicians that have the ability to play almost anything. Grover Kemble and Bob Marks are a perfect example. The songs on their CD are exceptional, however, their live performance is indescribable. Steve Tarkanish admits, "They never cease to amaze me, often putting chills up my spine." Quality is an understatement for Grover and Bob. Take a listen to these songs. They may be mellow, but at the very least, you won't be disappointed. Moreover, hopefully you'll agree with the critics' rave reviews. You name the event, they can do it!

Dance With Me - Grover and Bob
00:00Needles and Pins - Grover and Bob
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